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If you would like to receive the weekly news sheet by email (it’s free), and occasional news from the benefice, please leave your name and email address on the NEWS SHEET REQUEST page. You can also pick up a paper copy from Steep and High Cross churches. |
Saturday 15 February
Please join us for our special
Service of Love and Commitment
4pm, All Saints' Church, Steep
when we celebrate all loving relationships, formally or informally recognized.
Enjoy our Exhibition in the church with memorabilia from weddings,
civil partnership ceremonies and other events sealing loving relationships...
Thursday 13 and Friday 14, 10am-4pm; Saturday 15 10am-6pm
Services this Sunday, 16 February
8.30am Holy Communion (BCP, said), Steep Canon Dr Susie Collingridge
10am Parish Communion, High Cross Canon Dr Susie Collingridge
10am Parish Communion, High Cross Canon Dr Susie Collingridge
...and next Sunday, 23 February:
8.30am Holy Communion (BCP, said), Stroud The Revd Joanna Farrell PtO
10am Parish Communion, Steep The Revd Joanna Farrell PtO
11am Morning Prayer, Froxfield Green Lindsay Clegg, Lay Pastoral Assistant
8.30am Holy Communion (BCP, said), Stroud The Revd Joanna Farrell PtO
10am Parish Communion, Steep The Revd Joanna Farrell PtO
11am Morning Prayer, Froxfield Green Lindsay Clegg, Lay Pastoral Assistant
Weekday Prayers during term times: (Spring Half Term 2025: 17-21 February)
9am: Morning Prayer by Zoom. Please follow this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75702932891?pwd=alRzeHlxcUVLdUl6SmdKKzdJdFVkdz09 Meeting ID: 757 0293 2891/Passcode: MPrayer
9.30-10am: Morning Prayer in St Peter's, High Cross
6.30-7pm: Silent Prayer in All Saints', Steep (all year)
Our churches at High Cross, Froxfield Green and Steep are open daily during daylight hours and you are welcome to come in for private prayer and reflection.
9am: Morning Prayer by Zoom. Please follow this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75702932891?pwd=alRzeHlxcUVLdUl6SmdKKzdJdFVkdz09 Meeting ID: 757 0293 2891/Passcode: MPrayer
9.30-10am: Morning Prayer in St Peter's, High Cross
6.30-7pm: Silent Prayer in All Saints', Steep (all year)
Our churches at High Cross, Froxfield Green and Steep are open daily during daylight hours and you are welcome to come in for private prayer and reflection.
Which style of service would suit me best?
Please try our different styles of worship to find one (or more) which you feel comfortable with.
New worshippers will find a warm welcome from our church family.
Holy Communion (BCP) A said Holy Communion service from the Book of Common Prayer, in traditional language
Parish Communion Common Worship in contemporary language, with hymns. Morning coffee is usually served afterwards
The TenAM Common Worship in contemporary language, with hymns/songs and often activities for younger worshippers. This service is less formal, and particularly suitable for all ages. Refreshments are usually served at the beginning.
Morning Prayer Said Book of Common Prayer liturgy in traditional language
Please try our different styles of worship to find one (or more) which you feel comfortable with.
New worshippers will find a warm welcome from our church family.
Holy Communion (BCP) A said Holy Communion service from the Book of Common Prayer, in traditional language
Parish Communion Common Worship in contemporary language, with hymns. Morning coffee is usually served afterwards
The TenAM Common Worship in contemporary language, with hymns/songs and often activities for younger worshippers. This service is less formal, and particularly suitable for all ages. Refreshments are usually served at the beginning.
Morning Prayer Said Book of Common Prayer liturgy in traditional language
A selection from our YouTube services can be viewed below. Earlier services can be accessed on our YouTube channel here.